Monday, September 7, 2015

Maps rotation update.

Map loop is scheduled for update Saturday September 12. Likely all maps in currently active loop will stay but there will be several maps added and map order will be changed to improve diversity.

The only map that will be updated with the new version is White City. Per popular demand there were several updates to empower the team attacking uphills. One change is another .50cal hidden in the gap between garages located between Alpha and Bravo. This machine-gun is designed to help kill anybody who wants to name from the top of the hill (similar to another .50cal between X-ray and Alpha). Another significant change is added PSP on side deck used to access rocket helicopter helipad. This place is very difficult to reach but uphill attacking team (rebels) have a great chance now to reach this place and use it to support uphill attack because they now have a benchbird located between X-ray and Alpha. This help should go get the PSP as soon as possible and than it can be used for fight with waders on the top. It is to be seen if this can better balance the game or it will be too much of an advantage.