
Please post proof of cheats and names of teamkillers here. We won't ban anyone simply based on your post here but it will help to identify, track and finally ban cheaters and teamkillers.


  1. SeanBear aka Digital GhostNovember 5, 2010 at 4:41 PM

    SugarBritches-MMC- was cheating today.

  2. Could you be more specific? How exactly did he cheat? We can follow him when he is on the server and ban him if the cheat is confirmed.

  3. i believe he was using an aimbot. many were complaining. i will try to frap it the next time i see him.

  4. Moderator will keep an eye on him. However Novalogic will shortly turn on other servers like EU SpecOps Reloaded and SpecOps Legacy will be empty again so we won't probably see this player ever again.

  5. OLD 160 deafdude was chamming the other day when i was in.

  6. I was in the game when OLD 160 deafdude was there. I played both with him and against him and frankly I didn't see any problem. What exactly did you see? He was easy to kill and he scored mostly cheap way, some base-raping, some sniping,.. I didn't see anything special. I'll take my time to watch him closely next time.

  7. urinalpuck jumped in front of my holddown fire and got killed
    now he want to report me


  8. > anonymous: No worries. Admin was in the game and everything was OK. I have no comment on Urinal, I know him for too long to take seriously anything he says ;-).

  9. pollyprissypants(aka sugarbritches) , continual teamkilling

  10. I was in the game, was able to confirm your report on pollyprissypants and he was banned.

  11. You need to ban "Simo Hayha." for team killing. Non stop! He will get punted for killing me, and then re-join just to kill me another 4 times in a row before he gets auto kicked.
    Ban this troll from your server please!

  12. I got your message and saw Simo Hayha play for the rest of the day. Unfortunately I had no time to go and check with spectator to see what he was doing but I see him calling others with names be quite unfriendly in general. I will watch him next time as I like to witness this behavior first hand, warn, kick and ban as a last resort to protect other players. Thanks for your report!

  13. Please look at "Agent Liberty". He's trash talking and verbally aggressive. Accusing others of hacks and whining all game long.

  14. Kaiser Bedpan continuously friendly team kills. Ban this troll.

  15. MMC Annette and all of his aliases are shooting me to make me red.

  16. mmc annette tking people.

  17. SugarBurgers at 1:48 on a CTF map, getting lots of one shot kills while running around with a sniper rifle.

  18. A large slice of pizza is one of a group of accounts used by the Bcu bulldogs crew, and yes she has multiple accounts, her and Bcu skullface are the last ones from Bcu to be present on cc, i wold appreciate their absence and the game can do well without folks who brought an end to Dfx1 1 and 2 I have a letter from the game admins making it clear they had had enough and banned bcu. bulldog full on bcu lynixe is A large slice pizze, sillyduck. and wabbit, all these accounts are used by lynixe. .Thank you for running a greate server i Appreciate it.
